For the moms who don’t have it all together this Christmas.

Pictures like this (taken by a photographer of my family a few years ago) are fun for capturing memories, but they are NOT a representation of real life!  So, keep that in mind as you scroll this month!

Pictures like this (taken by a photographer of my family a few years ago) are fun for capturing memories, but they are NOT a representation of real life! So, keep that in mind as you scroll this month!

Hey mama,

I’ve been thinking about you and all the other mamas who are running around like crazy right now. I know that you are busy and might be feeling a little overwhelmed.

Your to-do list seems endless.

You haven’t even started Christmas shopping.

The laundry is never done.

And even though you are giving it your all, this “mom gig” sometimes feels a lot harder than you thought it would be.

Will you ever NOT be tired?

Where is there room or time for YOU anymore?

Is it supposed to be this hard?

How does everyone else make it seem so easy?

Listen to me sister, It feels hard because IT IS HARD! It truly is. But you are strong and you can do this!

I have 5 kids and I spent way too many years beating myself up and asking questions like the ones above. So, consider me to be your own personal cheerleader or life coach on this mom journey.

Before we get started let me reassure you of a few things…

  1. It’s NOT easier for everyone else (as much as they may want you to think that).

  2. If you are reading this, I KNOW You are doing a great job!

  3. Your kids need you to be the mom YOU were created to be. ( Not the mom down the street who is homeschooling in between raising chickens and milking goats - no offense to that mom. )

  4. Your unique personality and quirks are matched up with your kids by the God of the Universe! He doesn’t make mistakes. So, you can be assured that you are the best girl for this job even when you feel like a failure!

Now that we’ve gotten that cleared up, let’s talk about Christmas and expectation vs reality.

I’ve noticed over the years that the holidays can really accentuate our feelings of “not enoughness.” Thanks to instagram, food network, garden and gun, pinterest and facebook, you will be bombarded with hundreds and thousands of images of MAGAZINE worthy table settings, crafts, holiday decor, party attire etc…. Let’s just go ahead and laugh right now about how absurd it would be to try and live up to all of that. Now that we’ve had a good chuckle, let’s just take it all off the table. I’m not saying you can’t add it back a little at a time, but for now, let’s strip things down to basics.

I don’t want any of you to give into that self comparison nonsense this year! I want you to have an amazing, meaningful and restful Christmas season. That is why I created a Wholehearted Advent.

Through this guided advent, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of opening your heart to new levels of intimacy with Jesus in this season and every season. I went through all of this myself almost 20 years ago. It’s the process I’m still going through again and again today. It’s the process that No matter where you are on your journey, He always has MORE for you!

In week one I will walk you through how to prepare your heart and create room for God even if you have a crazy schedule. I believe He wants to surprise you and show Himself to you in a brand new way this year.

In week two, my sweet friends from Be Still Ministries will join me in teaching you how to hear God’s voice and the many ways God is speaking to you even if you are feeling dry in your faith or you haven’t opened your bible for weeks..

I won’t give away what I have in store for just yet for weeks 3 and 4, but I can promise that you will be refreshed, renewed, and ready to step more fully into who you were created to be in 2021!

For all the fun details on what will be included, hop on over HERE!

I’m rooting for you. I have no doubt that this group will bless your socks off. I’d also love to keep sending encouragement your way by way of my email list! Just scroll on down to sign up!

Many blessings to you and check back soon for a fun advent freebie I’ll be releasing!



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